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Филимонова Татьяна Михайловна44
Россия, Брянская обл., Брянск


What should a real musician be like? Filimonova Tatiana Michailovna (Bryansk)

There are no special rules for a real musician, musicians are primarily people, and all people are different. But on reflection, we came to the conclusion that there are several important qualities by which you can judge whether a musician is good.

One of the main qualities is professionalism. Professionalism is not only the ability to hear and feel music, but also to live it not only in material terms, but also in spiritual interest. And of course, the ability to extract beautiful sounds from the instrument, create and arrange music, improvise, hear even in everyday life melodies and words that can be put into the work.

In our opinion, it is also important for a true musician to be willing to work hard and learn, and constantly improve their skills. Rehearsals are part of a musician's job, as is the desire to learn something new and try it out for yourself. A musician never needs to stop at what has been achieved, it is worth trying what did not work and experimenting. Sometimes it happens that when the development process is completed , the musicians stop moving forward, standing still.

Patience is also very important for a real musician. No matter how hard you work, success doesn't come all at once. It can take years before a musician can become a worthy competitor, so it's better to focus on hard work without haste.

Talent can be and exists in the opinion of many people, but we believe that a real musician needs to work almost daily and enjoy it. No music star has ever woken up immediately famous, they have worked for this for thousands and thousands of hours. Sometimes something does not work out and this is normal, the main thing is to look back and understand that there is already such a long way behind and the most important thing is to continue doing what you like.

A real musician should not be afraid to be creative. As mentioned earlier, experimenting with music, words, and so on is very important and necessary to find your own sound. And that sound doesn't have to be one.

And, of course, a real musician should love what he does. After all, love is the most beautiful and powerful engine on the way to your goals.

There are a lot of really talented musicians in history. we would like to show you a couple of examples of real musicians whose path has been achieved through hard work.

The national pride of Austria, the greatest mystery of the Creator, the symbol of Genius –Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His life and death have left more questions than answers, and his story is overgrown with legends and myths. Hundreds of books have been written about him. We can talk about Mozart and his successes and talents for a long time. He wrote his first symphony when he was only 8 years old, and an opera when he was 12. It should also be noted that Mozart's influence on Western music is so profound that one of the famous actors noted that " posterity will not see such a talent even in 100 years."

The Queen – iconic, legendary, popular-each of these words can reflect the attitude of fans and critics towards her. The musical group has long been a classic, if you can say so about a group that performs music in the style of hard and pop rock combined with glam and jazz.

Madonna is the queen of pop music and one of the most expensive brands, a famous singer, songwriter and music producer. The star's songs and music videos set the tone and direction for both the American and global music industry. The artist's work often finds itself in the center of scandals, she is not afraid to touch on the acute topics of social injustice, racial and sexual oppression. Billboard magazine named her the most successful artist on the Hot 100 singles chart after the Beatles. Rolling Stone magazine listed her as one of the "100 Greatest Songwriters" and "50 Greatest Artists" of all time. She has received many awards, including seven Grammy Awards and an inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.